While I have fun at Tech, this semester is easily the
hardest I’ve worked in my entire life. Knowing everyone is going through the
same thing is my biggest comfort, so I press on through about 25 hours a week
of homework (at least) and a bunch of studying before tests. Thus far, that
pre-test-studying has been mostly the night/day before, but so far it’s working
out okay (and I’m trying my hardest to work studying in earlier).
This was very productive. |
I usually study around other people even if we’re not really
studying together. It seems that emotional support is extremely beneficial to
my focus and alertness on those REALLY late nights because every night is late,
it seems. My multitudes of online homework I often work on with friends because
they are usually practice problems and it’s nice to compare answers or
opinions. I’ve found good study buddies! Hannah (the roommate) for English, Sara
for Calculus II and Chemistry, Will for Lab Reports, Andree for online Calculus
homework. Half of the people I study with are in my dorm, (a benefit of honors
program housing) so it’s really convenient. While I usually study in my room,
I’ve been on a few CULCing (Clough Undergraduate Learning Center…ing) marathons
and have picked out my favorite corners and outlets (it IS Tech after all).
These quiet places accompanied by the “Do Not Disturb” mode on my cell phone
have been conducive to some fairly focused study sessions. While I sometimes
get a little distracted, it’s usually because I need a mental break anyway and
I’ve been pretty on top of things.
I have tried to make use of a couple of the tutoring/study
sessions from my classes, but a lot of time that is harder to fit into my
schedule than some work with other students which has shown to be very
beneficial just on it’s own. The best ways to study for me are to rewrite
concepts and organize them in my own way. Then, do practice problems. This is perfect
for Chemistry where we have homework problems and then make crib sheets (info
we can take to the test that must fit on the paper), but even in Calculus where
I don’t have that luxury, I still make a crib sheet as review of formulas (and
I stick it in my pocket to help me memorize).
I have a few books. |
are a looming fear. I will probably hull up with food in my room most of dead
week. I know breaks are necessary though, so I’m working on finding a
controlled way to relieve stress between study sessions. I find I’m most
productive when I switch between subjects relatively frequently, so I’m not
bored of the material and also so I can practice remembering what I just
studied an hour or so back.
suppose I should start all this soon…
1: Get all the other work out of the way.
I think I know where you got that need for emotional support on REALLY late nights. :-)